This is what PathQL does in one sentence:
PathQL allows grouping and nesting of the results of a complex SQL query using JSONPath notation in SQL column aliases
This is what PathQL does in one example:
select as "$.posts[].id", as "$.posts[].comments[].id"
post_id = and = 1
Without PathQL the results would be (wrong):
"$.posts[].id": 1,
"$.posts[].comments[].id": 1
"$.posts[].id": 1,
"$.posts[].comments[].id": 2
With PathQL the results will be (correct):
"posts": [
"id": 1,
"comments": [
"id": 1
"id": 2
The rows have been merged into a tree according to the paths specified in the column aliases.
JSON path syntax
In JSONPath a language is defined for reading data from a path in a JSON document. We need a langauge to write data to a path in a JSON document and that is why we only use a subset of the JSONPath operators:
- ”$” root element
- ”.” object child operator
- ”[]” array element operator
Note that the brackets should always be empty as the index in the array is determined by the path merging algorithm.
Base path
The path “$[]” consists of two parts “$[].posts” (the base path) and it’s last segment “id” (the property name). Only columns that have an alias starting with a “$” are defining a new base path. Any other alias or column name is treated as a property name.
The full path of a column can be constructed by combining the last specified base path with the property name. The initial base path for every query is “$[]”.
Thus queries without specified paths generate a simple object per result row:
SELECT * FROM posts;
"id": 1,
"title": "Hello world!"
...(more rows)...
Columns that follow a column with a specified path will inherit the base path:
SELECT id as "$[]", title FROM posts;
"post": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Hello world!"
...(more rows)...
Note that duplicate and/or conflicting paths trigger an error message.
PathQL web API
A path engine implementation can be added to any DBAL. Before it is a PathQL web API you also need to implement the JSON conversion and HTTP handling.
Here is an example showing how to “speak” PathQL over HTTP(S). The request:
POST /pathql HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
{"query":"select as \"$.posts[].id\", as \"$.posts[].comments[].id\"
from posts, comments where post_id = and = :id;","params":{"id":1}}
And the response:
Content-Type: application/json
As you can see you should make an endpoint named “pathql” that accepts and returns JSON. The request should be sent in the POST body as a JSON object with properties “query” and “params”, where “query” must be a (SQL) string with named parameters and “params” must be the set of named parameters that should be applied.